Friday, September 30, 2011

Telling our immediate families..

We told our families on Tuesday, Sept 20.
We got the blood work back on Wednesday, Sept 21. They called me and said that it had came back positive, as if we didn't already know. I made our first appointmet/ultrasound appointment for Monday, Oct 17th. We will be meeting with the nurse practitioner, and getting our first ultrasound. I should be about 8 weeks by then. After that we'll schedule to meet with the OB.

As I said before, Tony was gone the day that we found out we were pregnant. So when he got home he made me take two more tests, just so that he could be there with me.
Telling my family - We had already told Heather and Mark so our next step was telling my parents. We were planning to go to my parents to tell them, I had to make up some excuse as to why we were going over. We hadn't got the blood work back yet, so I was kind of hesitant about telling them before it came back. Tony encouraged me and we went over to my parents. When we finally worked up the nerve to tell them, the TV was already paused and we were looking at our family pictures. It seemed like the perfect time. So we just told them we are pregnant. Mom got some tears in her eyes and dad, of course the person with the least reactions ever, just kind of sat there. We talked about some things and I realized there was no real reason to be scared to tell them. Tessa wasn't home when we told my parents so we had to wait for her to get home to tell her. She didn't believe us at first and she didn't know what to do once she found out it was real. She actually said imma do a flip, which was probably one of the funniest things I had heard in a while. We had decided to wait to tell mamaw and papaw until the blood work came back. Luckily, mamaw made veggie soup, my favorite, and invited everyone over! It was almost too good to be true. I didn't really want to tell mamaw and papaw in front of everyone else, but we didn't make it over in time to tell them before and I wanted them to be able to share the happiness with everyone while they were there. We were out on the porch and everyone but my mom and dad had gone in.. I knew there was no way of getting them inside, so we decided to tell them in front of mom and dad. We let them know they were going to have another great grandchild. Mamaw asked when, and papaw asked if we were going to find out the gender. It was shocking, just as it was telling my parents but it's so nice to know that I have such a supportive family that I can lean on.
Telling his family - Tony is a blabber mouth and he couldn't keep it to himself. He called his mom as soon as he found out, she was of course excited and she told his step dad and step-grandma. He called his dad about work, and told him. I had talked to one of his younger sisters on the Saturday before we found out and said I had a feeling. So he called and told her. He also called and told his older sister a couple days later. The only one I got to be there with was his other younger sister, she's 11. It was cute to see the way she reacted. Tony also called his grandmas and let them know. I'm so happy that he has such a supportive family as well. It makes things a lot easier on us. They're not happy about not being able to say anything until November, but I think they understand.

Below : These are all three of the tests that I took. I keep them all together as a simple reminder that we're bringing a life into this world.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The day we found out..

I found out that I was pregnant on Monday, September 19th, 2011 at approx. 10am.

I'll start out by saying - I am pretty regular, and I was supposed to start on Friday and hadn't yet. I didn't think much of it, I had a lot of stuff going on at work so I thought maybe stress was pushing it back. Saturday we had a car show at work and I had noticed I was eating a lot more than I usually do, but I just brushed it off and just thought it was because I was out in the sun and playing games all day. On Sunday, Heather, mom and I had planned to go to Jeffersonville to go shopping. I woke up feeling well rested, unlike I had been feeling, so I met my mom at Heathers house. While shopping I noticed I was getting very fatigued, and usually it doesn't bother me to shop all day. Heather even waved her hands in front of my face a couple times like WAKE UP. By this time I knew something was up. On Monday at work, I was talking to Tony and one of my co-workers and they kept telling me to take a test, blah blah blah blah. I didn't really want to while I was alone, but I was like well, it's better to know then to just let it go and keep stressing about it. We have pregnancy tests at work because we work with foster youth, and we have to keep them on their feet. My co-worker said that she had used one before and it was good. So, I went up to the front, and got one. I went into the bathroom, and took it. As I was wiping, it turned positive, I knew then it was real. I was in total shock and couldn't stop crying. I took a picture of it and sent it to Tony. He called me freaking out, saying is this real? over and over. I told him yes, it was and we talked about it. I, also, sent the picture to Heather and she also freaked out, but she was calm with me about it and told me if I needed to leave work and come over I could. Needless to say, I did. I couldn't concentrate on anything at work. I cried the whole way to Heathers (which is about 20 minutes) and of course when I hugged her when I got to there. Little miss Brooklynn, always knows ways to make people who are crying smile and happy. I was happy to spend some time with Brooklynn, Brayden and Heather. It was nice to surrond myself with people who I know love me and are supportive. I asked Heather what I should do. She told me, so I called my OB and told them that I took a test and it came back positive and I'd need to go get blood work. After what felt like 500 hours for them to call me back, I finally went to pick up my lab slip and went to get blood taken. The lady was very supportive and nice to me while I was getting my blood taken. Later that night, since Tony was gone all day and the whole next day, I went back to Heathers and ate dinner with them. Heather and I went shopping, it was nice to keep my mind off of everything that had happened - even though she took me to all baby stores!

Below : This is a picture of the test that I took at work. I know it's not the best picture, but it does what it needs to do.