Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So close.. yet so far

Today I am 27 weeks and 4 days. Only 87 days to go!
We had our last appointment was yesterday, 2/27.
Our next two appointments are 3/15 and 3/28. Getting down to the two week visits.
As I said in the last post :
We are having a family baby shower on March 24th.
We're getting maternity pictures on April 14th.
We are also getting another 3D ultrasound on April 14th at 10a.

As he is growing, I'm starting to wonder if he's running out of room. He's found a cozy place up in my right ribs and seems to hang out there a lot. I can feel him up there and down by my hips sometimes in the same movement, he's growing so fast ;). If you're ever around and want to feel him, just let me know and I'll tell you when he's moving.

I can't exactly remember what my blood pressure or weight gain was at this past appointment. I know that my BP was 120/something and my weight is never right because I keep my purse and stuff on. She said that everything looked & sounded and measured exactly how it is supposed to.

I, also, went and completed my glucose test yesterday, but I haven't heard back yet.. hopefully 'no news is good news' in this case! The stuff wasn't completely terrible but it was A LOT of it. It tasted like an unfrozen flavor ice. The worst part was that I had to drink it in 5 minutes and it was in a thing as big as a 'bug juice', for those of you who remember those! Hopefully I'll hear back soon!

Heather, my mom and I all went to get the stuff for the baby shower! yey! I can't believe that it'll be in 4 weeks! EEKKK! We will be sending out invitations probably next week. Tonys mom and I will be going to put in the cake order in a couple weeks. I can't wait. This is going to be a super exciting time!

We're meeting with the babysitter again on Saturday so that we can see her house and meet the rest of her family. I think that she's a great match for our family and our son.

As I said before, our next appointment is March 15th & I'll update you guys then! :)

here are a couple pictures since last time! :

Playin with our food ;)

Valentines day :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

25 down, 15 to go.

Happy Valentines Day <3

Today I am 25 weeks & 4 days.
He's an active little guy, always moving.
We had our last appointment on Feb 2nd, I know.. I'm a little late updating this. I had just forgot about it because so much has been going on.
Our next appointment is Feb 27th and I am also doing my glucose test that day.
We are having a family baby shower on March 24th.
We're getting maternity pictures on April 14th.
We are also getting another 3D ultrasound on April 14th at 10a.
We are having a friend baby shower on April 15th.

In my last post you guys learned about my infections. They seem to be better and I'm feeling more like myself, but pregnant.. of course. I guess I didn't mention that I went to the dr on Jan 16, and he said that everything looked good and that I looked way better than I did in the hospital. Which I guess is a good thing, since I was a grease pit in the hospital. He said that he wanted to send my urine off the next time I was in. On Feb 2, which was my next appointment, they sent my urine out and I'll probably get the results on the 27. I am on an antibiotic until the end of my pregnancy/maybe even after. It seems to be working, but I guess we'll find out when we go in on the 27th.

At my appointment on the 2nd, my BP was 106/61 and I had gained about 23 pounds. We won't get to see him again until the April 14th when we go to get the 3D ultrasound. I can't wait to see what he looks like and what a handsome little boy he's growing in to. My doctor said that I am measuring perfect and that things are looking great. I just can't believe how fast it's going and that I'm already in the little numbers, instead of the big.

I'm not sure if you all know or not, but my lease for my apartment is up on April 1st. I have decided that it is best for me and the baby to move back in with my parents. I know it separates Tony and I but, we have to have a strong foundation to provide for the baby. I think that it will make Tony and I closer and realize what we have. The baby and I will be living in their basement, so it'll be like our own little space. It's not exactly what I want, but I know that end the end it'll be the right decision. I hope that you all support the decisions that Tony and I are making for our family, and we know that this way we'll be able to provide what he needs.

Everything is happening so fast! I can't believe it's already the end of February and we are planning my baby shower! We are going to be doing that the end of March, so in about a month, it's so exciting. I can't believe that my little bean has grown into a baby already.. and he can be here anywhere from 12-17 weeks. Technically it's 15 weeks, but he will come when he's ready! I am hoping to be all moved in by March 10th/17th. I just want everything to be set by the first baby shower, which will be March 24th, at my parents house. We will be sending invitations out in the beginning of March.

I also met with a babysitter earlier this month. She was great! She has two boys which is perfect because I'm, obviously, having a boy and she knows how to work with them. She lives super close to my parents and is perfectly in our price range. We are going to set up another time in the end of this month/beginning of next to meet again, and have everyone meet. (her husband, tony and her youngest one) I'm so happy that I found someone who I feel like I can trust with our baby and that will work with what we want for him!

As I have said a million times, my next appt is Feb 27th, and I will update you all, again after that!

Here's a couple fun and cute pictures I've took.