Monday, May 14, 2012

counting down the days!

Today, I am 38 weeks and 3 days.
We had our 37 week appt on 5/3.
I was admitted to the hospital on 5/4.
We had our 38 week appt on 5/10.

At our appt on 5/3 my BP was 98/55. She checked my cervix only to tell me I was dilated to a 1 and 60% effaced, which I guess is better than nothing! All she said was that we would see how he was measuring at our next appt. Nothing too exciting at this appt, short sweet & to the point!

I was admitted to the hospital on 5/4 because we hadn't felt the baby move in over 3 hours. Tony was nervous and I was starting to get worried. We went to the hospital and were monitored. His heartrate was fine & he, of course, started moving AS SOON as we got to the hospital. But it's always better to be safe than sorry. They said he was just in a 'sleep period' and where he has moved down we won't be feeling him move as much because he's down so low. Needless to say, we're all fine. :)

At our appt on 5/10 my BP was 120/69. She checked my cervix again, just to tell me that I hadn't dilated anymore. I was still a 1, she said 'and a wiggle' but I guess not completely a 2. We had our ultrasound, his head is huge, and measuring at 41 weeks & his belly is measuring at 40. He is also weighing in at 8lbs 5oz. After the doctor had reviewed my ultrasounds she let me know that I will be going in to the hospital on 5/17 at 8pm for a two step induction. She let us know that the first step could take 12-18 hours and then they'd see how much I had progressed and start the second step after that. I was also informed that I probably won't start active labor until sometime on Friday afternoon, but we'll all just have to wait and see. Either way we'll have a baby by this weekend! I can't wait. It seems like it has been so long since I found out and started telling everyone. I really can't believe that it's almost here!

We will not have anymore appts, just going straight to the hospital. The next update will have pictures of little baby Brody. :)

xoxo <3

I was 37w 5days :) READY TO POP
I was 38w 2days. Circus Time :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

taking his precious time..

Today, I am 36 weeks and 5 days. They weren't lying when they say the last couple of months go so slow. I feel like I'm in snail mode.
We had our 36 week appt on 4/26.
Our next appt is tomorrow - 5/3.
We will have another ultrasound at our 38 week appt which will be - 5/10.
This coming Sunday (5/6) is the last birthing class.

As I mentioned in the post before this, I am getting to be so uncomfortable, and it hasn't gotten any better. Although he's dropping, and I know he'll be here soon.. I just wish I could be a LITTLE more comfortable. I'd have to say the first trimester and the last 6ish weeks were/are about the same, as in like how I'm feeling and stuff.

At our appt on 4/26 my BP was 109/68 and she said that my swelling is normal. She said everything looks great and there's no worry about preeclampsia beacuse my blood pressure is so good. She also did a cervical check and she said I wasn't dialated much more than what I was 2 weeks prior to that. My stomach was measuring at 37 weeks & 4 days and I was 35 weeks & 6 days. As for Mr. Brody, he is measuring a week and one day early. They said he's in the 79th percentile, and weighing about 6 lbs 10 oz. His head is HUGE, it was measuring about 38 weeks. His heartrate was 140. We also got some free formula, which is awesome.

We got our pictures back! YEY!! I can't wait to print them off and hang them up! I posted them on FB, but I will put a few on here as well.

Birthing classes are 'okay'.. I wouldn't PUSH anyone to do them unless they had A LOT of questions and wanted to know/see A LOT of what they don't 'need' to. I mean, I don't want to see my son coming out, so why would I want to see someone elses. ick.

I can't wait until little man is here. I'm taking a poll, to see what everyone thinks.
When do you think he will be here?
How long do you think he'll be?
How much do you think he'll weigh?

post it in a comment. :)

that's all for now!
byyyyyyyyye <3

little boy parts..
head & hand. he kept opening his mouth.. so sweet <3
professional. :)
so comfortable.
professional. :)
tony didn't really know how to pose for this one...
professional. :)
peek a boo!
professional. :)
april showers bring may flowers <3
professional. :)
lovey dovey
professional. :)
precious baby boy <3
professional. :)
cute little shoesssss
professional. :)
and then there were 3.
professional. :)
stretched to the LIMIT.

Monday, April 16, 2012

one day at a time

Today I am 34 weeks & 3 days. Although it feels like I am 80 weeks.. let the uncomfortable-ness start!
We've had two appts since I updated last - 4/5 and 4/12 - with my OB
We also had a high risk appt since I updated last, which was 4/13.
Our next appointment is 4/26, this appt will also have an ultrasound.
We had our pictures on Saturday, 4/14. :)
We, also, started our 'lamaze' classes on Sunday 4/15.
Easter happened as well. :)

As I said above, I'm starting to get SO uncomfortable. I am crampy and have mild shooting pains pretty low. They say that those are signs of 'contractions' but if it's not rhythmic & 'this many times' in an hour then it's just my body preparing for birth.

At our appt on 4/5, my BP was 109/64 and Brodys heartrate was 146.. she also said that I was measuring just a few days early. Also, as I mentioned above we will be having our 36 week appt and our 36 week ultrasound on 4/26. She said that we could start talking about a birthing plan at any time. She said I could write something formal out, or I could just speak with her/dr jaskot about it. She said that we will not discuss bed rest or inducing unless I'm at risk for preeclampsia or the baby is over 10 pounds... eek. The top of my stomach has been sore, but I supposed it's just because of everything moving and stretching around! She said the only thing that I could do about it is put heat on it.. She also said that I should stop traveling around 36 weeks. Other than all of that, she said that everything is looking great and Brody is doing fine.

I guess I haven't mentioned it yet, but we're going to get a birth story done. It's where a photographer is in the room with us photographing the birth (no nasty pics lol). She will also stay for an hour or 2 after the birth. So I had to talk with her & the hospital about what was acceptable and what was not.

At our appt on 4/12, my BP was 101/63. We just talked about where to go for the high risk appt and for the birthing classes. Also, since I have been feeling 'crampy & pains' they had me undress from the waist down and checked my cervix. She said that she could only get her 'fingertip' in which means not really any dialation at all, but she said that it was 'softening'. She said the rest of my appts will be undressed, so that they can keep an eye on my cervix. She also said that if I'm having 6 or more of those 'sharp' pains in an hour to go to L&D. She said if labor does start at any time after 4/13, then they won't do anything to try to stop it, because after 34 weeks they're doing well. OH and she also said that my belly is measuring a week ahead!

At the high risk appt, we just met with a Dr and discussed my blood sugar levels. He said that my lunch levels were a little bit on the high side so he prescribed me a pill to take with lunch so that my levels will be a little more controlled. That's basically all we discussed. Although, he did say 'you will probably have a big healthy baby.'

Our pictures went FABULOUS on Saturday. It was a gloomy day, and rainy all except for during our session. I believe we got a lot of good pictures. I CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE THEM ALL. yyyeeyy! I was actually feeling good and happy and pretty that day, so they should be good. :)

As for the lamaze classes, they're going to be pretty interesting & helpful.. I think. Yesterday was very informative which is great. I'm so happy that we decided to do this. I just hope lil man doesn't come before they're over!

Easter was great, as usual. I love being surrounded by family. It's always a blast. Also, it's great being able to watch another family member bloom with pregnancy!

An update will be coming your way at the end of this month.

tootles <3

enjoy. :)

little miss Brooklynn got to feel mr. Brody for the first time. To say the least, she was a little unsure about it.. but now she just wants to 'touch him' all the time.
This is one of the professional pictures. :)
Me and mom were just goofing off at home. :)
me and Abbie on easter. Abbie is 27 weeks here and I am 33. :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

big 'ol baby

I am 2 days away from being 33 weeks. It's getting closer & closer! eek!
Our last appointment was 3/28.
Our next appointment is tomorrow 4/5.
We had our baby shower almost 2 weeks ago, on 3/24. It was great to see everyone!
We had our 3D ultrasound last Saturday 3/31.
Our next ultrasound will be somewhere around 36 weeks.. which is the end of April.
We're scheduled to get our pictures done NEXT Saturday 4/14 at 10am! I can't wait!
We met with the babysitter (Natalie) on 3/31. She was fantastic! We love her & her family! They're going to be a perfect fit.

At my last drs appointment, my stomach was measuring at the right weeks. My blood pressure was 108/56. Brodys heartrate was 'perfect', I think that he said it was in the 150s or something. We talked about my levels & where he wants them. He also mentioned that I'll be having my next ultrasound at 36 weeks.

As for an update on the diabetes, I thought I was doing well with it. But now my doctor wants to see me again, tomorrow.. about getting my levels down. I can't get my morning one down.. it's supposed to be below 90 and it's always between 93-96. I will probably have to get put on medication because there's nothing more that I can do to fix it. They told me to eat something right before bed & I have been doing that, and it's not helping. I guess we'll see what he says tomorrow.

I guess I'll update you on my swelling.. although there's not much to say except that my feet always look broken! A girl at work mentioned to me that it looks like my feet are out of a 'fat suit'. My doctor said that it's normal and as long as my blood pressure stays like it is then there is nothing to worry about.

My baby shower was a great success! I'm so grateful for each and every person that came and has supported me through all of this. We got everything that we need, including 5 bouncers lol. I guess people don't know how to mark things off of registeries! Oh well, that just means I get to go and take things back. The only thing that we didn't get any of was bottles, which clearly are one of the most important things! Now the only thing that is missing is Mr. Brody!

The 3D ultrasound that we had was AWESOME! I am SO glad that we decided to do it. It was once again, an amazing experience. He is a little full faced baby, with pouty lips & LOTS of hair. haha. He looks a lot like me when I was a baby with Tonys lips! Which I guess explains how  I can't wait for him to get here so that we can see what color hair & stuff he has! He is measuring almost 2 weeks early. He weighs about 5 pounds & is around 18.9 inches. That is as big as some newborns! She said that he could gain up to 4 more pounds. YIKES! She also said he is in the 75th percentile. eek! It's getting really close!!! Sometimes I feel like I've been pregnant for SO long.. but then I think of the timelines of things and it really went by SO quickly.

Thats all for now. I'll probably update again after my appointment tomorrow & Easter this weekend!

<3 kisses!

as you were expecting, here's pictures!

this is the most recent picture of my swelling. womp womp... poor little feet..

Just a few of the girls. <3

my two best friends <3

 Just a few of my cousins! <3

haha, silly daddy <3

my second momma. <3

cutest hat EVER. from Aunt Morgan <3

I'll be set for.. about a month haha. ;)

Cakes & decorations! :)

 Cake table! :)

 All boy! yey!

 big foot. he had his legs crossed! ;)

 hand on his head, like daddy always does!

 just sleeping <3 .. that's the umbilical cord by his mouth.
we had her check to make sure it wasn't around his neck!

double chin already. he also has his eye open in this. if you look closely!

Friday, March 16, 2012


22 weeks.. visit with Christina :)

23 weeks.. my belly started catching everything that fell....

24 weeks.. brucey loves the baby already!

25 weeks .. I guess the dog wanted in the picture too ;)

28 weeks.. last weekend at my apt.. bittersweet

28 weeks.. <3

29 weeks.. shirts are getting tiiiight

30 weeks.. oh yeah, rockin the yoga pants at work :)

30 down, 10 to go!

Today I am exactly 30 weeks. I can't believe how fast time has flown by.
Our last appointment was yesterday, 3/15.
Our next appointment is 3/28.
We are having my baby shower next weekend, 3/24. I can't wait!
We're meeting with the babysitter on 3/31 (probably for lunch)
We moved the 3D ultrasound up to 3/31 at 8pm.
We're getting pictures done on 4/14.

I, finally, heard back about my one hour glucose test and it was a little high. So, they ordered me to go get the 3 hour one, on 3/5. It was one of the worst things that I have had to experience. It was just long & I had to get 4 sticks of blood taken. Which was not fun. I was patiently awaiting the phone call, and when I got the results I was devistated. I have to start treating myself for gestational diabetes. I have been receiving so many phone calls from the place that is monitoring me - Alere. I have a nurse assigned to me that calls almost everyday. Also, a nurse came out to my house, on 3/12 and 'taught' me everything I needed to do. I was also informed that I have to test my Ketones, which is protein in your urine, every morning. I have to test my blood four times a day.. my little fingers are killing me from being pricked so much. ): I guess it's best for me and the baby. On the plus side, it's only for 10 more weeks, hopefully!

Since I updated last I've encountered a lot of swelling. It's more in my left foot than it is in my right. I, also, woke up one day with a rash on the left side of my face. I went to the doctor and he said that it was shingles and that all I could do was wait for it to go away, since I'm pregnant he couldn't treat it with anything. I guess that I am just getting to enjoy all the 'joys' of pregnancy.

At my appointment yesterday - I have gained about 30ish pounds and my blood pressure was 104/58. When she measured me, my stomach was meausuring about 2 weeks 'small', but I'm sure that everything is okay with Mr. Man. He is just running out of room. I asked her about when I should schedule birthing classes & when I should take them. She told me to call the hospital that I'm delivering at (mt. carmel west) and to schedule them ASAP. I, also, asked her about a pediatrician and she suggested someone in Grove City, that I had never heard of. She, also, suggested the pediatrician that we went to when we moved up here & that Heathers kids go to now. I, finally, remember to ask her about the urinalysis that I had to send out on 2/2, she said that everything looked great and to just continue on my medicine. She, also, mentioned that since I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes that we would be getting another ultrasound between 37-38 weeks, to measure how big he is. If he's measuring big then there will be more of a chance that I'll be getting induced. Also, she said if I can't get my sugars under control then I would more than likely have to be put on medication and that would call for an induction as well. If I can keep my sugars under control then I won't have to do a 2 hour glucose test 6 weeks after he's born, but if I end up being put on medication then I will have to do the 2 hour glucose test 6 weeks after he's born. When the nurse came out I was told to check my blood 1 hour after every meal, but when I went to the doctor she switched it to 2 hours after every meal.

On 3/10, we traveled to WV and that was probably the worst ride down there, ever. I was stuck in the back seat, so there wasn't any room to stretch out or anything. I started getting all cramped up & I know that Mr. Man did too! I couldn't wait to get out of the car lol. It wasn't a 'bad' trip overall, just the ride sucked. While we were gone, Tony and his friend moved everything from my apt to my parents house & got everything set up for me, which was nice. I just had to fix a few things to the way I liked/wanted them. You know how that goes ;).

That's about all that's happened, for now. I can't wait for my baby shower next weekend! My next update won't be until after 3/28, so I'll talk about my shower then. :)

Tootles! <3

as always, here are a couple pictures..

Working and proping my swollen feet up... suckyyy

My rash I woke up with.. it's finally healing!
This is just something I did.. do you think our bellies are the same size?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So close.. yet so far

Today I am 27 weeks and 4 days. Only 87 days to go!
We had our last appointment was yesterday, 2/27.
Our next two appointments are 3/15 and 3/28. Getting down to the two week visits.
As I said in the last post :
We are having a family baby shower on March 24th.
We're getting maternity pictures on April 14th.
We are also getting another 3D ultrasound on April 14th at 10a.

As he is growing, I'm starting to wonder if he's running out of room. He's found a cozy place up in my right ribs and seems to hang out there a lot. I can feel him up there and down by my hips sometimes in the same movement, he's growing so fast ;). If you're ever around and want to feel him, just let me know and I'll tell you when he's moving.

I can't exactly remember what my blood pressure or weight gain was at this past appointment. I know that my BP was 120/something and my weight is never right because I keep my purse and stuff on. She said that everything looked & sounded and measured exactly how it is supposed to.

I, also, went and completed my glucose test yesterday, but I haven't heard back yet.. hopefully 'no news is good news' in this case! The stuff wasn't completely terrible but it was A LOT of it. It tasted like an unfrozen flavor ice. The worst part was that I had to drink it in 5 minutes and it was in a thing as big as a 'bug juice', for those of you who remember those! Hopefully I'll hear back soon!

Heather, my mom and I all went to get the stuff for the baby shower! yey! I can't believe that it'll be in 4 weeks! EEKKK! We will be sending out invitations probably next week. Tonys mom and I will be going to put in the cake order in a couple weeks. I can't wait. This is going to be a super exciting time!

We're meeting with the babysitter again on Saturday so that we can see her house and meet the rest of her family. I think that she's a great match for our family and our son.

As I said before, our next appointment is March 15th & I'll update you guys then! :)

here are a couple pictures since last time! :

Playin with our food ;)

Valentines day :)