Today I am exactly 30 weeks. I can't believe how fast time has flown by.
Our last appointment was yesterday, 3/15.
Our next appointment is 3/28.
We are having my baby shower next weekend, 3/24. I can't wait!
We're meeting with the babysitter on 3/31 (probably for lunch)
We moved the 3D ultrasound up to 3/31 at 8pm.
We're getting pictures done on 4/14.
I, finally, heard back about my one hour glucose test and it was a little high. So, they ordered me to go get the 3 hour one, on 3/5. It was one of the worst things that I have had to experience. It was just long & I had to get 4 sticks of blood taken. Which was not fun. I was patiently awaiting the phone call, and when I got the results I was devistated. I have to start treating myself for gestational diabetes. I have been receiving so many phone calls from the place that is monitoring me - Alere. I have a nurse assigned to me that calls almost everyday. Also, a nurse came out to my house, on 3/12 and 'taught' me everything I needed to do. I was also informed that I have to test my Ketones, which is protein in your urine, every morning. I have to test my blood four times a day.. my little fingers are killing me from being pricked so much. ): I guess it's best for me and the baby. On the plus side, it's only for 10 more weeks, hopefully!
Since I updated last I've encountered a lot of swelling. It's more in my left foot than it is in my right. I, also, woke up one day with a rash on the left side of my face. I went to the doctor and he said that it was shingles and that all I could do was wait for it to go away, since I'm pregnant he couldn't treat it with anything. I guess that I am just getting to enjoy all the 'joys' of pregnancy.
At my appointment yesterday - I have gained about 30ish pounds and my blood pressure was 104/58. When she measured me, my stomach was meausuring about 2 weeks 'small', but I'm sure that everything is okay with Mr. Man. He is just running out of room. I asked her about when I should schedule birthing classes & when I should take them. She told me to call the hospital that I'm delivering at (mt. carmel west) and to schedule them ASAP. I, also, asked her about a pediatrician and she suggested someone in Grove City, that I had never heard of. She, also, suggested the pediatrician that we went to when we moved up here & that Heathers kids go to now. I, finally, remember to ask her about the urinalysis that I had to send out on 2/2, she said that everything looked great and to just continue on my medicine. She, also, mentioned that since I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes that we would be getting another ultrasound between 37-38 weeks, to measure how big he is. If he's measuring big then there will be more of a chance that I'll be getting induced. Also, she said if I can't get my sugars under control then I would more than likely have to be put on medication and that would call for an induction as well. If I can keep my sugars under control then I won't have to do a 2 hour glucose test 6 weeks after he's born, but if I end up being put on medication then I will have to do the 2 hour glucose test 6 weeks after he's born. When the nurse came out I was told to check my blood 1 hour after every meal, but when I went to the doctor she switched it to 2 hours after every meal.
On 3/10, we traveled to WV and that was probably the worst ride down there, ever. I was stuck in the back seat, so there wasn't any room to stretch out or anything. I started getting all cramped up & I know that Mr. Man did too! I couldn't wait to get out of the car lol. It wasn't a 'bad' trip overall, just the ride sucked. While we were gone, Tony and his friend moved everything from my apt to my parents house & got everything set up for me, which was nice. I just had to fix a few things to the way I liked/wanted them. You know how that goes ;).
That's about all that's happened, for now. I can't wait for my baby shower next weekend! My next update won't be until after 3/28, so I'll talk about my shower then. :)
Tootles! <3
as always, here are a couple pictures..
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Working and proping my swollen feet up... suckyyy |
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My rash I woke up with.. it's finally healing! |
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This is just something I did.. do you think our bellies are the same size? |