Monday, May 14, 2012

counting down the days!

Today, I am 38 weeks and 3 days.
We had our 37 week appt on 5/3.
I was admitted to the hospital on 5/4.
We had our 38 week appt on 5/10.

At our appt on 5/3 my BP was 98/55. She checked my cervix only to tell me I was dilated to a 1 and 60% effaced, which I guess is better than nothing! All she said was that we would see how he was measuring at our next appt. Nothing too exciting at this appt, short sweet & to the point!

I was admitted to the hospital on 5/4 because we hadn't felt the baby move in over 3 hours. Tony was nervous and I was starting to get worried. We went to the hospital and were monitored. His heartrate was fine & he, of course, started moving AS SOON as we got to the hospital. But it's always better to be safe than sorry. They said he was just in a 'sleep period' and where he has moved down we won't be feeling him move as much because he's down so low. Needless to say, we're all fine. :)

At our appt on 5/10 my BP was 120/69. She checked my cervix again, just to tell me that I hadn't dilated anymore. I was still a 1, she said 'and a wiggle' but I guess not completely a 2. We had our ultrasound, his head is huge, and measuring at 41 weeks & his belly is measuring at 40. He is also weighing in at 8lbs 5oz. After the doctor had reviewed my ultrasounds she let me know that I will be going in to the hospital on 5/17 at 8pm for a two step induction. She let us know that the first step could take 12-18 hours and then they'd see how much I had progressed and start the second step after that. I was also informed that I probably won't start active labor until sometime on Friday afternoon, but we'll all just have to wait and see. Either way we'll have a baby by this weekend! I can't wait. It seems like it has been so long since I found out and started telling everyone. I really can't believe that it's almost here!

We will not have anymore appts, just going straight to the hospital. The next update will have pictures of little baby Brody. :)

xoxo <3

I was 37w 5days :) READY TO POP
I was 38w 2days. Circus Time :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm very happy for you and can't wait to meet little Brody! Great pics :) xoxo Christina
