Monday, May 14, 2012

counting down the days!

Today, I am 38 weeks and 3 days.
We had our 37 week appt on 5/3.
I was admitted to the hospital on 5/4.
We had our 38 week appt on 5/10.

At our appt on 5/3 my BP was 98/55. She checked my cervix only to tell me I was dilated to a 1 and 60% effaced, which I guess is better than nothing! All she said was that we would see how he was measuring at our next appt. Nothing too exciting at this appt, short sweet & to the point!

I was admitted to the hospital on 5/4 because we hadn't felt the baby move in over 3 hours. Tony was nervous and I was starting to get worried. We went to the hospital and were monitored. His heartrate was fine & he, of course, started moving AS SOON as we got to the hospital. But it's always better to be safe than sorry. They said he was just in a 'sleep period' and where he has moved down we won't be feeling him move as much because he's down so low. Needless to say, we're all fine. :)

At our appt on 5/10 my BP was 120/69. She checked my cervix again, just to tell me that I hadn't dilated anymore. I was still a 1, she said 'and a wiggle' but I guess not completely a 2. We had our ultrasound, his head is huge, and measuring at 41 weeks & his belly is measuring at 40. He is also weighing in at 8lbs 5oz. After the doctor had reviewed my ultrasounds she let me know that I will be going in to the hospital on 5/17 at 8pm for a two step induction. She let us know that the first step could take 12-18 hours and then they'd see how much I had progressed and start the second step after that. I was also informed that I probably won't start active labor until sometime on Friday afternoon, but we'll all just have to wait and see. Either way we'll have a baby by this weekend! I can't wait. It seems like it has been so long since I found out and started telling everyone. I really can't believe that it's almost here!

We will not have anymore appts, just going straight to the hospital. The next update will have pictures of little baby Brody. :)

xoxo <3

I was 37w 5days :) READY TO POP
I was 38w 2days. Circus Time :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

taking his precious time..

Today, I am 36 weeks and 5 days. They weren't lying when they say the last couple of months go so slow. I feel like I'm in snail mode.
We had our 36 week appt on 4/26.
Our next appt is tomorrow - 5/3.
We will have another ultrasound at our 38 week appt which will be - 5/10.
This coming Sunday (5/6) is the last birthing class.

As I mentioned in the post before this, I am getting to be so uncomfortable, and it hasn't gotten any better. Although he's dropping, and I know he'll be here soon.. I just wish I could be a LITTLE more comfortable. I'd have to say the first trimester and the last 6ish weeks were/are about the same, as in like how I'm feeling and stuff.

At our appt on 4/26 my BP was 109/68 and she said that my swelling is normal. She said everything looks great and there's no worry about preeclampsia beacuse my blood pressure is so good. She also did a cervical check and she said I wasn't dialated much more than what I was 2 weeks prior to that. My stomach was measuring at 37 weeks & 4 days and I was 35 weeks & 6 days. As for Mr. Brody, he is measuring a week and one day early. They said he's in the 79th percentile, and weighing about 6 lbs 10 oz. His head is HUGE, it was measuring about 38 weeks. His heartrate was 140. We also got some free formula, which is awesome.

We got our pictures back! YEY!! I can't wait to print them off and hang them up! I posted them on FB, but I will put a few on here as well.

Birthing classes are 'okay'.. I wouldn't PUSH anyone to do them unless they had A LOT of questions and wanted to know/see A LOT of what they don't 'need' to. I mean, I don't want to see my son coming out, so why would I want to see someone elses. ick.

I can't wait until little man is here. I'm taking a poll, to see what everyone thinks.
When do you think he will be here?
How long do you think he'll be?
How much do you think he'll weigh?

post it in a comment. :)

that's all for now!
byyyyyyyyye <3

little boy parts..
head & hand. he kept opening his mouth.. so sweet <3
professional. :)
so comfortable.
professional. :)
tony didn't really know how to pose for this one...
professional. :)
peek a boo!
professional. :)
april showers bring may flowers <3
professional. :)
lovey dovey
professional. :)
precious baby boy <3
professional. :)
cute little shoesssss
professional. :)
and then there were 3.
professional. :)
stretched to the LIMIT.