Friday, January 6, 2012

Halfway there!

Today I am 20 weeks! We've made it to the half way point! :)
I started feeling him move around the second week of December. Tony finally got to feel him on Christmas. It was a great 'christmas present' for him. ;)
We had our appt yesterday - January 5th.
Our next appointment is February 2nd.

Not much has happened since I posted last. We had Christmas with everyone which was great. We got a few things for Brody, which was awesome. It seems like everyone is happy and can't wait for Brody to be here.

At our appointment yesterday we got to see him and hear his heart beat. It was at a strong 168! Which according to the wives tales, is a girl heartbeat, but he's clearly a boy! They checked everything on him and he's growing perfectly, he's measuring 13oz and within a day of my due date. My BP was 96/58, I think.. I can't completely remember!

There's not much to say on this post, nothing has really happened. Here are the pictures that we got yesterday. He had his hands up the whole time so it was kind of hard to get a good profile shot.

in the top of the picture is his foot, he was kicking like crazy.

you can see his hand above his head in this one. you can also see his little nose. :)

He's always stretching and moving. look at that belly!

yuuuuuuup, imma boy. :)

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